Michael Symon Perfect Scalloped Potatoes: Secret Trick Revealed

Michael Symon’s perfect scalloped potatoes are a beloved side dish, especially during the holidays, known for their creamy, cheesy layers and crispy top. However, achieving perfection with this dish can be tricky. Many home cooks struggle with getting the potatoes to cook evenly without becoming mushy. Thankfully, celebrity chef Michael Symon has shared his secret to making flawless scalloped potatoes every time.

The Importance of Technique in Cooking Scalloped Potatoes

Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes are more than just a dish; they are a culinary experience. The ingredients are simple—potatoes, cream, cheese, and seasoning—but the way these elements are combined can dramatically impact the result. For many, the challenge lies in replicating Michael Symon’s perfect scalloped potatoes with the same consistency and flavor that he achieves.

The key to perfecting this dish lies in understanding the common pitfalls and using the right techniques to avoid them. This article will dive deep into the methods that Symon uses, particularly his ingenious trick involving aluminum foil, which ensures even cooking and a delightful texture.

Understanding the Common Pitfalls

When attempting to make Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes, it’s important to understand the common pitfalls that can lead to less-than-perfect results:

  1. Mushy Potatoes: One of the most common issues with scalloped potatoes is that they turn out mushy. This usually happens when the potatoes are either overcooked or not cooked evenly. The result is a dish that lacks texture and can become overly creamy, almost soupy.
  2. Uneven Cooking: Another common problem is uneven cooking, where some slices of potato are perfectly tender, while others remain undercooked. This issue often arises from uneven slicing or improper layering in the baking dish. Ensuring that each slice of potato is the same thickness is crucial for achieving Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes.
  3. Lack of Flavor: Even when the texture is right, scalloped potatoes can sometimes lack depth of flavor. This can happen if the wrong type of cheese is used, if the sauce is not properly seasoned, or if the potatoes themselves are not seasoned well before baking. Michael Symon’s perfect scalloped potatoes are known for their rich, deep flavor, which comes from using the right combination of ingredients.

By addressing these common issues with the right techniques, you can replicate Michael Symon’s perfect scalloped potatoes in your own kitchen.

Key Ingredients for Perfect Scalloped Potatoes

To achieve Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes, it’s essential to start with the right ingredients. Each component plays a crucial role in the final dish, and making the right choices can significantly impact the flavor and texture.

Choosing the Right Potatoes

The type of potato you use can significantly impact the texture and flavor of your scalloped potatoes. The two most recommended types are:

  • Russet Potatoes: Russets are high in starch, which makes them ideal for scalloped potatoes. They absorb the sauce well, resulting in a creamy texture. However, they can become too soft if overcooked, so it’s important to monitor their cooking time carefully. Russets are often preferred for their ability to break down slightly, creating a softer, more cohesive dish.
  • Yukon Gold Potatoes: Yukon Golds are another excellent choice. They have a slightly waxy texture and a buttery flavor, which helps them hold their shape better than russets. This makes them ideal for those who prefer a firmer potato in their scalloped potatoes. Yukon Golds also contribute a richer color and flavor to the dish, enhancing its overall appeal.

When making Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes, either of these varieties will work well, depending on your preference for texture.

Selecting the Cheese

Cheese is a critical component of scalloped potatoes, as it contributes both flavor and texture to the dish. Michael Symon prefers Gruyere cheese, which is known for its nutty, rich flavor and excellent melting properties. Gruyere blends beautifully with cream, creating a smooth, luxurious sauce that envelops the potatoes.

  • Gruyere Cheese: As mentioned, Gruyere is Symon’s go-to choice for its complex flavor profile. It adds a depth of flavor that elevates the dish beyond basic comfort food. Gruyere also has a unique ability to melt smoothly without becoming greasy, which is crucial for achieving the creamy consistency of Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes.
  • Alternative Cheeses: If you prefer a different flavor, you can experiment with other cheeses like sharp cheddar, Parmesan, or fontina. Each of these cheeses brings its own unique taste to the dish, allowing you to customize the flavor to your liking. For a sharper, more robust flavor, a blend of cheddar and Gruyere can be used. Parmesan, with its salty, umami flavor, can be added for an extra layer of complexity.

The Role of Cream and Other Ingredients

  • Cream: The cream is the base of the sauce that binds the dish together. It’s important to use high-quality cream for a rich, smooth texture. Michael Symon often uses heavy cream, which adds a luxurious mouthfeel to the dish. The cream also helps to create the rich, velvety texture that defines Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes.
  • Butter and Flour (Roux): A roux, made from butter and flour, is used to thicken the sauce. Symon emphasizes the importance of cooking the roux until it reaches a light golden color, which ensures that the raw flour taste is cooked out and the sauce develops a deep, rich flavor. The roux is a critical step in building the sauce, as it provides the necessary structure to hold the potatoes together.
  • Seasonings: While the cream and cheese are the stars, the seasoning also plays a crucial role. Symon likes to add a touch of spice with pureed chipotle peppers, giving the dish a subtle heat that balances the richness of the sauce. You can also add garlic, thyme, or smoked paprika to suit your taste. These seasonings can enhance the flavor profile of Michael Symon perfect scalloped potatoes without overpowering the dish.

The One Trick: Using Aluminum Foil

Now, for the trick that sets Michael Symon’s perfect scalloped potatoes apart: aluminum foil. It might seem simple, but this technique is crucial for achieving perfectly cooked potatoes with a creamy interior and a crispy, golden top.

Why Aluminum Foil Works

When baking scalloped potatoes, one of the challenges is ensuring that the potatoes cook evenly. Potatoes can be temperamental; if the top layers cook too quickly, they can dry out before the lower layers have had a chance to cook through. This results in a dish that is both overcooked and undercooked at the same time.

By covering the dish with aluminum foil during the initial baking process, you trap the steam inside the dish. This steam helps to cook the potatoes evenly, ensuring that they remain tender and creamy throughout. The foil also prevents the top layer from browning too quickly, allowing the entire dish to cook at a consistent pace.

After the potatoes have cooked through, you can remove the foil to allow the top to brown and become crispy. This method ensures that the potatoes are fully cooked without becoming mushy and that the top layer has that perfect golden crust that everyone loves.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Aluminum Foil

Here’s how you can apply Michael Symon’s aluminum foil trick to your scalloped potatoes:

  1. Prepare the Potatoes: Start by peeling and slicing your potatoes. It’s crucial to slice them evenly to ensure that they cook at the same rate. A mandoline slicer is ideal for this, as it allows you to achieve thin, uniform slices quickly and safely.
  2. Layer the Potatoes: Arrange the potato slices in a baking dish, slightly overlapping them in a shingled pattern. This layering method not only looks beautiful but also helps the sauce to distribute evenly throughout the dish.
  3. Make the Sauce: In a saucepan, melt butter and add flour to create a roux. Cook the roux until it turns a light golden color, then gradually whisk in the cream. Once the cream is incorporated, add the Gruyere cheese and stir until melted. Season the sauce with salt, pepper, and any additional spices, such as pureed chipotle peppers.
  4. Pour the Sauce Over the Potatoes: Carefully pour the sauce over the layered potatoes, making sure it seeps down to cover all the slices.
  5. Cover with Aluminum Foil: Cover the dish tightly with aluminum foil. This step is key to ensuring that the potatoes cook evenly and remain moist.
  6. Bake: Place the dish in a preheated oven and bake at 375°F (190°C) for about 45-50 minutes. The exact time will depend on the thickness of your potato slices and the type of potatoes used.
  7. Remove the Foil: After the initial baking time, remove the foil and continue baking for an additional 10-15 minutes. This will allow the top layer to brown and become crispy.
  8. Serve: Let the dish cool slightly before serving to allow the sauce to thicken and set. This will make it easier to slice and serve without the layers falling apart.

Additional Tips from Michael Symon

Beyond the aluminum foil trick, Michael Symon offers several other tips that can help you achieve perfect scalloped


Use a Mandoline for Slicing

One of the keys to even cooking is ensuring that the potato slices are of uniform thickness. A mandoline slicer is an invaluable tool for this purpose. It allows you to slice potatoes quickly and consistently, which not only helps them cook evenly but also ensures that each bite has the perfect texture.

Symon advises caution when using a mandoline, as the blades are extremely sharp. Always use the safety guard, and take your time to avoid injury. The effort is worth it, as the uniform slices make a noticeable difference in the final dish.

Visual Cue for the Roux

Making a roux can be intimidating for some, but Michael Symon offers a simple visual cue to help you know when it’s ready. As you cook the butter and flour together, you’ll notice that the mixture changes color. It will start as a pale yellow, then gradually deepen to a light golden hue. This color change indicates that the raw flour flavor has been cooked out, and the roux is ready for the cream to be added.

This step is crucial because a properly cooked roux will thicken the sauce without adding a starchy taste. It also helps to develop the rich, complex flavor that makes scalloped potatoes so delicious.

Customizing the Sauce

While the classic combination of cream and Gruyere cheese is hard to beat, Michael Symon encourages home cooks to experiment with different flavors. One of his favorite additions is pureed chipotle peppers, which add a smoky heat that contrasts beautifully with the richness of the sauce.

If you’re not a fan of spicy food, there are plenty of other options to explore. Garlic, thyme, rosemary, or smoked paprika can all be added to the sauce for a different flavor profile. You can also try mixing different cheeses, such as adding a bit of sharp cheddar for extra tang or Parmesan for a salty, nutty note.

Step-by-Step Recipe for Perfect Scalloped Potatoes

Now that you’re equipped with Michael Symon’s tips and tricks, here’s a detailed recipe to guide you through the process of making perfect scalloped potatoes at home.


  • 4 large russet potatoes or Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 cups Gruyere cheese, grated
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon pureed chipotle peppers (optional)
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves (optional)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Aluminum foil


  1. Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 375°F (190°C). This temperature is ideal for cooking the potatoes through while allowing the sauce to thicken and the top to brown.
  2. Prepare the Potatoes: Using a mandoline slicer or a sharp knife, slice the potatoes into thin, even rounds. Aim for slices that are about 1/8 inch thick. Uniformity is key to ensuring that the potatoes cook evenly.
  3. Make the Roux: In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour and whisk continuously until the mixture turns a light golden color. This should take about 2-3 minutes. Be careful not to let the roux brown too much, as this can affect the flavor of the sauce.
  4. Add the Cream: Slowly whisk in the heavy cream, making sure to incorporate it fully into the roux. Bring the mixture to a simmer, then reduce the heat to low.
  5. Incorporate the Cheese: Gradually add the grated Gruyere cheese, whisking until it melts completely and the sauce is smooth. If using, stir in the pureed chipotle peppers, garlic, and thyme. Season the sauce with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  6. Layer the Potatoes: Arrange the potato slices in a greased baking dish, overlapping them slightly in a shingled pattern. This creates layers that will absorb the sauce and cook evenly.
  7. Pour the Sauce: Pour the cheese sauce over the potatoes, making sure it covers all the slices. Use a spatula to gently press the potatoes down, ensuring they are submerged in the sauce.
  8. Cover and Bake: Cover the dish tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 45-50 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a fork.
  9. Crisp the Top: Remove the foil and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and crispy.
  10. Let It Rest: Allow the dish to rest for 10 minutes before serving. This gives the sauce time to set, making it easier to slice and serve.
  11. Serve: Serve the scalloped potatoes hot, garnished with fresh thyme or parsley if desired.

Variations and Enhancements

While the classic scalloped potatoes are delicious on their own, there are plenty of ways to customize the dish to suit your tastes or to pair with different meals.

Add Vegetables

For a more substantial side dish, consider adding vegetables to your scalloped potatoes. Thinly sliced onions, leeks, or fennel can be layered with the potatoes for added flavor and texture. You could also incorporate greens like spinach or kale, which wilt beautifully in the oven and add a pop of color.

Make It a Main Dish

To turn scalloped potatoes into a hearty main course, try adding protein to the dish. Sliced ham, cooked bacon, or shredded chicken can be layered with the potatoes for a more filling meal. This is a great way to use up leftovers and create a dish that’s satisfying enough to stand on its own.

Experiment with Different Cheeses

While Gruyere is a classic choice, don’t be afraid to experiment with other cheeses. A blend of cheddar and Parmesan can give the dish a sharper, tangier flavor, while fontina or Havarti adds a creamy, buttery texture. Mixing cheeses can create a more complex flavor profile, making the dish even more indulgent.

Add a Crispy Topping

For an extra layer of texture, consider adding a crispy topping to your scalloped potatoes. A mixture of breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese can be sprinkled over the top before the final bake. Drizzle with a bit of melted butter to help the topping brown and become extra crispy.


To further enhance your understanding of making perfect scalloped potatoes, here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Why do my scalloped potatoes turn out mushy?

  • Mushy potatoes usually result from overcooking or using potatoes with too much moisture. By covering the dish with aluminum foil during baking, you can steam the potatoes evenly, which helps prevent them from becoming too soft. Additionally, choosing the right type of potato, such as Yukon Gold, can help maintain a firmer texture.

Can I make scalloped potatoes without cheese?

  • Yes, you can make a version of scalloped potatoes without cheese, though the dish would technically be closer to a gratin. To maintain flavor, use a well-seasoned cream sauce with plenty of herbs and spices. You can also add vegetables like onions or leeks for extra depth.

What’s the difference between scalloped potatoes and au gratin?

  • Scalloped potatoes are typically made with a cream sauce, while au gratin includes cheese in both the sauce and the topping. The addition of cheese creates a richer, more indulgent dish with a crispy top.

How can I store and reheat scalloped potatoes?

  • Store scalloped potatoes in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. To reheat, place the potatoes in an oven-safe dish and cover with foil. Reheat in a 350°F (175°C) oven until warmed through. If you want to retain the crispy top, uncover the dish during the last 10 minutes of reheating. For more tips on storing and reheating, check out these reheating tips.

Can I make scalloped potatoes ahead of time?

  • Yes, scalloped potatoes can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. Prepare the dish as instructed but stop before the final bake. Cover and refrigerate for up to 24 hours. When ready to serve, bring the dish to room temperature and bake as directed, adding a few extra minutes to the baking time.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Michael Symon’s approach to making scalloped potatoes, particularly his trick of using aluminum foil, is a game-changer for home cooks. This simple yet effective technique ensures that the potatoes cook evenly, remain tender, and develop a beautiful golden crust. Combined with his additional tips, such as using a mandoline slicer for uniform slices and customizing the sauce with different flavors, these insights can help you master this classic dish.

Whether you’re serving scalloped potatoes as a side dish for a holiday feast or as the star of a comforting weeknight dinner, following these steps will ensure that your dish is met with rave reviews. Don’t be afraid to experiment with variations and make the recipe your own. With these techniques in your culinary arsenal, you’ll be able to create scalloped potatoes that are consistently delicious and deeply satisfying.

So, the next time you’re in the mood for a rich, creamy, and comforting dish, remember Michael Symon’s trick and enjoy the perfect scalloped potatoes!

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